Monday, August 13, 2007

How did Black America free itself from slavery?

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Southern and Northern Congressmen did everything possible to keep Black America in chains.

Every free Black person knew that they could be kidnapped back into slavery, no matter how far North they went.

Here is what a Northern Congressman said about free Black people in the North:

Congressman John Brown, of Rhode Island, said that he supported slavery. Brown said that slaves who moved North had come only “to reside as vagabonds and thieves”.

That same Congressman Brown kept right on being a slave trader, for many years, even after it was outlawed by both Rhode Island and Congress.

When you see Brown University, in Rhode Island, remember that it was named for his nephew. Remember that Brown University's building, “University Hall”, was built at least partly with slave labor.

(Many years later, a totally different man, also named John Brown, fought to end slavery.)

Congress simply refused to protect free Black people from kidnappers. Congress decided that even discussing the subject would create disquiet and jealousy in Congress.So with the entire white power structure protecting slavery, how did Black America free itself?


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